Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Talent Show at Camp

Tonight was the Talent Show.  Joy, of course, did a song from Lego Friends!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

Wisdom Teeth

Poor Joy had impacted wisdom teeth. We have been working on getting them out since December! It finally happened on Wed, June 12th. 

She was so excited to go!  She wasn't so excited afterwards - poor love.  Surprisingly, though, she wasn't in that much pain.  She only had one episode of crying.  Mainly she just looked like a chipmunk.  

Here we are on Monday and she's back to her summer camp and eating like a champ!

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Happy Birthday, Joy!!


Seriously! How did you get to be 17 years old??
We love you so!  We can't imagine our lives without you!

Grandma Turpin made her a new dress.

               Cake Time!!

Going out to dinner.  She loves Red Robin because of the bottom less fries!

Fun outing at the library

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Summer Begins

While the boys were busy, Joy, Bella, and I enjoyed lunch out!


Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 With my job at church, I do a lot of visits. Once Summer started, Joy had to come with me. Here she is entertaining :)

Friday, May 17, 2024

Surprise! Last Day of School Cake

 Joy finished her Freshman year of high school today! Unbelievable!!

Surprise! Last day of school cake

Family Reunion

 We went on a quick trip to Florida for a Family Reunion. Joy loved the beach!

Belle of Louisville

 Joy went on a field trip with school. They rode the Belle of Louisville. Joy loved it!!