Monday night we went out to dinner.

After Joy’s adoption was finalized, we had the kids sit on this bench. We have added two more kids, but what a fun picture!

I had to have a smal growth from my face. Sweet Joy, being so nurturing, was so worried. She must have asked me a million times if I was OK? “Mommy, owey-hurt. OK?” Sweet girl!

The weather is beautiful. We are spending a lot of time outdoors.

Joy loves to leave the house! We likes to go! If she can’t go somewhere every day she is devastated. She’ll run up to me and ask, “Me?Joy?” while patting her chest. She wants to know can she go?

Speech with Moon Sand (it feels funny!) and a horn. She would blow it and screams “Happy Dirthday!”

Out to lunch with Daddy

New braces Eating watermelon

Playing at the park with her family