Joy enjoys “practicing” like sister. I evidently use these a lot because someone is copying me!

Animal Ball – you have to say an animal and the sound they make. Joy loves this game!

Bella got sick and had to go home from school. Joy made her a get well card. So sweet!

She made a cow puppet at school and then showed me that they eat grass! Made me laugh!

Artwork from school Because they are cute!

Enjoying Mom’s birthday cake Daddy leaves for work at the same time Joy leaves for school

Aunt Kathie sent a tea set. The girls loved it!

With the pumpkins at the store Joy and I decorated the house (and Joy) for Halloween

Another tea party She’s a cat – she’s saying “Meow!”

Super sick and so congested. She missed several days of school

Playing in the rain and gathering yellow leaves

Sister came home for a quick trip from college. Joy was so happy to spend time with her, and SO SAD to see her leave.

She wanted me to take her picture with cat :)