The girls have been going to various friend’s houses to swim. Joy wants to go so badly, but I usually can’t go with them. Either we have no nurse or therapy appointments or something. Well this week, it just all worked out and Joy got to go swimming with the big girls!
Big sister, Sammi, kept her safe and tried to teach her to kick her legs. Very fun!

We went and had her thyroid and neck checked. The x-ray tech was so good with her. Even though I live at Texas Children’s Hospital with Bella, I find that taking Joy to community hospitals made for adults always seems to work better than TCH. Maybe it’s because they aren’t used to working with kids so they try a little harder. Even my LabCorp is better with Joy and Bella than TCH! Don’t know why, but I’m grateful for our good experience.
Joy showing me her stickers after getting her x-rays. This second picture makes me laugh! She was showing me her stickers and I couldn’t see her face, so I finally said, “Where is Joy?” And she responded, “Right here.” and pointed to her cheek. So cute!

The customary reward lunch

We went to see Brave. It was kinda scary in a couple of places, but she loved her root beer and popcorn!

Joy loves her brother …… and her Pringles!

Joy jumping