Primary Activity – they asked an 11 year old Scout to be Joy’s special helper, but Jessi couldn’t leave her, so she had many helpers! She had a great time!

Joy got to come with Sammi and I to Young Women. We brought along the ipad, but her favorite thing to do was be like the YW – including running laps!

Meet the Teacher – Mrs. Abby Fannin

Life as it happens….monkey see, monkey do :), playing and using that amazing imagination!

She decided to cook. She would shake salt and pepper into a cup and then dump it into the strainer. Helping to feed Bella, and loving her Sonic slushie!

Checking out Braille books, swinging sister, and loving her Chick-fil-A

First Day of School! She was so excited! She walked in and hung up her backpack and headed over to the pretend kitchen – loved it! She was so tired when she got home – she crawled under a chair and feel asleep!

Making brownies in OT

Pets – sister’s lizard and Joy’s beloved dog. Her name is Patches, but Joy calls her “puppy!”

We had Joy’s ARD on Friday. It went really well. I really feel like the team there cares about Joy and wants to work together to help Joy learn and grow. I’m so thankful! Speech has been increased to 30 minutes group and 30 minutes pull out for work on articulation. This is one happy Mama!