Sunday, June 10, 2007

Joy, Day 2

Joy is doing well. She gained a whole three grams over night. :)
We got to hold her for several hours today.
Jason was able to feed her the entire bottle (57 cc's for those interested) for her noon feeding! That was a first for her - she's never made it through the whole thing before.

If you need something to pray for: pray that Joy will be able to nipple all of her feeds.(translation to English - drink all of her milk from a bottle instead of having it put directly into her tummy through the tube) This is the only thing keeping that sweet girl in the hospital.

The hospital staff have been so kind. They are all so excited that she has a family!
We are thrilled it's us!!!

Now, onto the good stuff. 31 seconds of Joy awake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just can't get over how cute she is! I'm so very happy for your family. I keep checking back frequently for more posts of info, pictures and videos. It's just such an exciting time!
