Sunday, November 07, 2010

Joy’s Week

I love these pictures – Joy looking at a book.  And then the second one.  She saw that the dog’s dish was empty so she got the bowl, went to the bathroom, got the sack of food, and put the bowl in.  Now she couldn’t figure out how to get it all out again – but I loved all that thinking and planning.  Yeah Joy!nov 7 003IMG_8467

Jessi’s birthday lunch and going downtown with Bella.  Joy was an angel during Bella’s appointments.  We were there four hours and she sat in her stroller the whole time.  I was so grateful!

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Getting balloons at the store the lady just gave Joy this balloon for free.  Joy was so excited!!  She kept saying , “Yes!  Yes!”  And the girls playing together – I love it!!

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She was sick for a couple of days and I was worried about dehydration.  Then I remembered her love obsession with ‘Joust” (juice – her word for soda).  Anything carbonated with a straw is wonderful!  Problem solved. 

And pushing sister on her birthday.  Joy would push her and push her.  Then she would stop and say, “ More or done?”  It made me laugh!


Playing super hero with her sister!

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