Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sure Stepping

Today was momentous in OT.  Today we revised Joy’s IFSP (individual family service plan).  No longer will Miss Carolyn be coming to visit Joy.  She has accomplished her ECI goals for OT.  Wow!  Miss Carolyn has been working with Joy for 2 years.   I remember when we started.  Joy was so tiny and couldn’t do a thing.  I was so nervous and uncertain.  Thank you Miss Carolyn.  It’s hard to say good-bye or to believe that it’s been 2 years!

aug 28 014 image

Today Joy got her Sure Steps.  They keep her ankles and ligaments all aligned.  First socks, then the Sure Steps, then tennis shoes.  They brought her a new pair of shoes – thank goodness.  She wears a size 3, but now she has to have a 4 to go over the brace.  I never would have thought to get those beforehand.aug 28 016 aug 28 018 

aug 28 025

Here she is, so cool.  She wasn’t sure what to think at first, but she found her balance and is all over now.  We still have to work on that wide base she’s got goin’ on.  This is an improvement, but this is why she has a gait.  Hopefully with time we’ll improve there as well. 





aug 28 024She is a funny little duck – I had to include the next picture – Sammi had just given her a taste of a sour candy.  :)

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